Before purchasing a membership, please verify whether your school has purchased a school-wide membership on your behalf here. If your school is interested in a school-wide membership, please contact membership[@] for more information.

Purchase a CODE Membership

Please fill in the form below to sign up for a full CODE membership. You will be required to pay by credit card or Paypal.

No refunds will be offered on membership registration.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Contact Information
First and last name will be shared with other visitors to the site.
If you also have a user account, this email address will also be synced with the account email.
Choose your discipline
Choose your educational involvement
Choose the school board you belong to, if applicable.
Choose the CODE Region to which you belong. Verify your region at if needed.

Your CODE Region is determined by the school board that employs you, and if you are not employed by a school board, it is determined by your place of residence. See the CODE regions for more information. (Right-click the link and open in a new window.)

If you experience any issues during the process of registration, please contact directly. The Reset Password feature is experiencing issues as we slowly upgrade the website. Please note that CODE is an organization run by educators volunteering their time. We will do our best to resolve issues in a timely manner. We're so happy you're joining us!