Receipts will be issued for donations of $25.00 or more.

We have been both a not-for-profit organization and a registered charity entitled to provide receipts for donations for many years.

Please know that all of us on the CODE Board are volunteers who donate our time and labour on behalf of dance and drama in education.

Donations may be used for the following:

  1. Resource Development and Revision
  2. Advocacy work on behalf of Drama and/or Dance
  3. Website Development and Maintenance
  4. Wherever CODE needs my donation

You can choose to donate anonymously or to have your name listed as a Donor. No amounts will be listed.

Please send us an email after donating with your preferences.

Total Amount
Honoree Information
You can choose to make a donation in memory of someone... who was passionate about Dance and Drama or to wish a friend Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary by celebrating Dance and Drama. We will name that person if you wish.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.