Critical Learning

Literary sources, such a children's books, often have vivid themes that provid an excellent stimulus for dance. Students will explore themes through improvised movement to create short movement phrases.

Guiding Questions

  • How are the ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions that are associated with each of the identified themes expressed in movement?

Question directrice

  • Comment les idées, les pensées, les sentiments et les émotions associés à chacun des thèmes identifiés sont-ils exprimés dans le mouvement ?

Learning Goals

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • identify themes in the literary source;
  • express the ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with those themes through short movement phrases;
  • give feedback to their peers based on established criteria
  • reflect on their learning

Buts d'apprentissage

A la fin de cette leçon, les élèves seront capables de :

  • d'identifier les thèmes de la source littéraire ;
  • d'exprimer les idées, les pensées, les sentiments et les émotions associés à ces thèmes par de courtes phrases de mouvement ;
  • de donner leur avis à leurs camarades en se basant sur des critères établis
  • de réfléchir à leur apprentissage

Instructional Components


Students will need to have had some previous improvisation experiences.  Students should already have a method in place for giving and receiving peer feedback in a constructive manner. 

Terminology // Terminologie

  • Elements of Dance //Éléments de la danse
  • Body // Le corps
  • Space // L'espace
  • Time // Le temps
  • Energy // L'énergie
  • Relationship // La relation


  • Copy of a storybook to explore (e.g., The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson // Un jour, tu découvriras ... par Jacqueline Woodson)
  • Student notebooks
  • Pens or pencils
  • Chart paper
  • Tape
  • Markers

Suggested resources: Dance Composition - An Interrelated Arts Approach with music CD, Janice Pomer.

Approximately 45 minutes

Minds On // Esprit en marche

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Exploring a Storybook

Read a children's book that has a moral that you would like to explore. The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson // Un jour, tu découvriras ... par Jacqueline Woodson is suggested source if you choose to explore the theme of multiculturalism, friendship, and harmony. After reading the story, brainstorm a list of themes evident in the story. Have a student record the ideas on a piece of chart paper or the board. Narrow the themes down to four or five central ideas or umbrella words that will encompass the students responses.

Whole Class > Identifying the Task //
Classe entière > Identification de la tâche

At this point you may wish to specify a dance technique that you want the class to work in. This could be contemporary dance, ballet, another world dance form or a combination of styles. Explain to students that they will be creating short movement sequences based on the themes identified. Tell students that they will be working in a individual focused manner to create their own responses to this work.

Prompt: We have many themes to work through so be honest with your physical response to the themes, you can apply the elements of dance (space, body, time, relationship and energy) as you feel appropriate in your response.

A ce stade, vous pouvez spécifier la technique de danse que vous souhaitez faire travailler à la classe. Il peut s'agir de danse contemporaine, de ballet, d'une autre forme de danse mondiale ou d'une combinaison de styles. Expliquez aux élèves qu'ils vont créer de courtes séquences de mouvements basées sur les thèmes identifiés. Dites-leur qu'ils travailleront de manière individuelle pour créer leurs propres réponses à cette œuvre.

Invitation : Vous pouvez appliquer les éléments de la danse (l'espace, le corps, le temps, la relation et l'énergie) si vous le jugez approprié dans votre réponse.

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Do a diagnostic assessment of the students responses during class discussion.
Side coach and give feedback as necessary.

Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Asses journal responses written by the students. Give written feedback as needed.
Assess peer feedback - "I saw ...." statements.

Differentiation (DI)

Allow students the opportunity to volunteer ideas. Having the students write their own list, or a small group list to read from allows them to be prepared before being asked questions in a large group.  

Quick Tip 

If needed, review behaviour expectations for class improvisation.  Prompt the class as needed while they are improvising their movement. If the class is having difficulty working in silence play random pieces of generic music in the background. You can also prompt the students with other words that the students said were related to that theme (i.e. fear, surprise).

Link and Layer

Remind the students of their previous improvisational work, and methods of responding to others work as needed.

Approximately 80 minutes


Individual > Creating a Movement Sequence //
Individuel > Créer une séquence de mouvements

Have the students spread out around the room. Working independently ask them to work with the first theme and to create a three to five movement sequence in the time given.

Demandez aux élèves de se répartir dans la salle. Demandez-leur de travailler indépendamment sur le premier thème et de créer une séquence de trois à cinq mouvements dans le temps imparti.

Prompt: Begin in neutral stance, either standing or lying on the floor. You will be creating a three to five movement sequence based on the first theme (e.g.: friendship). Close your eyes and think about friendship. What does this mean to you, how do you feel when you think about friendships, what are the positives and negatives associated with this theme? When you are ready begin your movement.

Invitation : Commencez en position neutre, debout ou allongé sur le sol. Vous allez créer une séquence de trois à cinq mouvements basée sur le premier thème (par exemple : l'amitié). Fermez les yeux et pensez à l'amitié. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour vous, que ressentez-vous lorsque vous pensez à l'amitié, quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs associés à ce thème ? Lorsque vous êtes prêt, commencez votre mouvement.

As the students work give them an indication of how much time they have left. Circulate and side coach as necessary. Give them a warning for the last minutes of available time. If the class appears to need more time you may extend the allotted time. When the time is up bring the students to a neutral stance. 

Whole Class > Sharing Works in Progress

Ask all of the students to sit in place (spread out around the room). Split the class in half.  Ask half of the students to remain seated. Ask the other half to stand and perform their movement sequence beginning and ending in neutral stance.  Ask for one or two students responses beginning with "I saw...."  Repeat the process with the other half of the class.

Individual > Creating Movement Sequences

Repeat the same process for for each of the remaining themes. Depending on the ability of your class, you may want to have them explore just two themes, or as many as four or five. 

Approximately 30 minutes


Individual > Reflection

After the themes have been explored ask the students to write down the one or two themes with which they identified with the most and which themes they had the most difficulty interpreting through movement and why in their dance journals and submit it. This information will be used when they begin work in their groups. 

Teacher note: Use the responses that they wrote to guide the groups creation for their film assignments. If the groupings are clear then this may be done in the consolidation time. If necessary this can be done before the next lesson, taking into consideration the abilities of the students, making the groups balanced based on the students strengths and weaknesses.