Critical Learning

Planning is a vital part of dance film as it helps to ensure that the message of the piece is appropriately conveyed.

Guiding Questions

  • How will your group present your ideas?
  • What choices will your group make in regards to film techniques?
  • What does your group want your audience to see and experience?
  • How do you plan the choreography and filming before filming takes place?

Questions directrices

  • Comment votre groupe présentera-t-il ses idées ?
  • Quels choix votre groupe fera-t-il en ce qui concerne les techniques cinématographiques ?
  • Qu'est-ce que votre groupe veut que le public voie et expérimente ?
  • Comment planifiez-vous la chorégraphie et le tournage avant le tournage ?

Learning Goals

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • create a storyboard for their dance film
  • give feedback on their peers' storyboards

Buts d'apprentissage

A la fin de cette leçon, les élèves seront capables de :

  • de créer un story-board pour leur film de danse
  • de donner leur avis sur les story-boards de leurs camarades

Instructional Components


  • Students will have completed all of PDF #1 Your Task // PDF-FR #1 Votre tâche.
  • Students will have created the choreography for their dance films.

Terminology // Terminologie

  • Storyboard // Les scénarimages
  • Dance Film // Film de danse


  • Large and small paper for story boards
  • Pencils, pencil crayons ex.
  • Scissors
  • A small box for each group
  • PDF #1 Your Task // PDF-FR #1 Votre tâche
  • PDF #2 Feedback Cards // PDF-FR #2 Cartes de rétroaction
  • PDF #3 Rubric (ENG only)
  • PDF #4 Storyboard Checklist (ENG only)
Approximately  15 minutes

Minds On // Esprit en marche

Pause and Ponder

Whole Class > Discussing Storyboards //
Classe entière > Discussion sur les scénarimages

Lead a whole class discussion on storyboards.

Dirigez une discussion en classe entière sur les scénarimages.

Prompt: When are they used? Why are they used?

Invitation : Quand sont-ils utilisés ? Pourquoi sont-ils utilisés ?

Review the elements of Dance Film and PDF #3 Rubric, (created in part from the students' responses in lesson one).

Passez en revue les éléments du film de danse et PDF #3 Rubric (ENG only) (créée en partie à partir des réponses des élèves lors de la première leçon).

Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Do a diagnostic assessment of student responses to whole class discussion. Observe the students as they are developing their storyboards.

Assessment as Learning (AaL)  

PDF #4 Storyboard Checklist (ENG only)

Differentiation (DI)

Encourage the groups to continue to each use their skills to add to the group task. Remind the students that each person has a unique skill set.

Quick Tip

Encourage the students to try different orders and to experiment with the sequencing before deciding on a final sequence.

Link and Layer

Relate the experience of organizing the film to organizing a dance for live performance.

Hyperlinks in the Lesson

Storyboard Resources:

Camera Shots and Angels:

Approximately 110 minutes


Small Group > Creating a Storyboard

Ask students use their ideas from the previous two lessons to create a story board. Students should draw and/or write each part of their film on a small square of paper. The group should manipulate the different squares to create the sequence of their dance film.  This manipulation of squares allows the students to experiment with the planning of their films. For example, it may cause them to do the sections of choreography in a different order then they had originally planned. Once the students have the order that they would like for their dance film, they should glue the squares onto a larger piece of paper creating the final storyboard. Have students fill in any other important information regarding filming, number of dancers, type of shot (close up, pan etc). Circulate and side coach as necessary. Students should use PDF #4 Storyboard Checklist (ENG only) to guide their creation of the storyboards.
Approximately 15 minutes


Whole Class > Gallery Walk

Ask each group to display their storyboard in a different part of the room.  Students will do a gallery walk around the room with feedback cards (See PDF #2//PDF-FR #2 Cartes de rétroaction). Students will complete at least one card for each group and will place the card in the groups' box. Collect the boxes and review the cards before distributing them to the groups. The groups may choose to use this feedback in future lessons to revise their storyboards.